Welcome to the DuPage County Forensic Science Center


About our Laboratory

The DuPage County Crime Forensic Science Center (FSC) is located in Wheaton, Illinois, approximately 30 miles west of Chicago. Since May 1st, 1971, the citizens of DuPage County have benefited from the laboratory services provided by the Sheriff's FSC, which are made available to all law enforcement agencies in the county.  


Our Mission

The mission of the DuPage County FSC is to provide quality and timely forensic science services to the criminal justice system of DuPage County.  The laboratory has three sections:  Chemistry, Criminalistics and Forensic Biology/DNA which offer analysis in the disciplines of Drug Chemistry, Latent Prints and Forensic Biology/DNA.



The laboratory is accredited by ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB) to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017,  Accreditation Requirements for Forensic Testing and Calibration (2023) and  the FBI Quality Assurance Standards for Forensic DNA Testing Laboratories:2020.

Accreditation Scope & Certificate



Crime Laboratory Handbook

The Crime Laboratory Handbook, 25th Edition, contains critical information for law enforcement agencies regarding the types of analysis we provide, and the proper collection, preservation and submission of evidence to our laboratory.



Laboratory Sections

The Chemistry Section utilizes instrumental, chemical, and other techniques, unknown substances in various forms including, but not limited to, plant material, powders, tablets/capsules, paper, and liquids, are analyzed for the presence of controlled substances as defined in the Illinois Controlled Substances Act, Illinois Compiled Statutes. §720 ILCS 570; the Kratom Control Act, Illinois Compiled Statues. §720 ILCS 643; and the Cannabis Control Act, Illinois Compiled Statues. §720 ILCS 550.


The Criminalistics Section utilizes visual, photographic, and chemical processing techniques, to compare the fingerprints of known individuals with latent fingerprints recovered from or developed at a crime scene.
The basis for the science of fingerprint examination is that friction ridge patterns present on the human
fingers, palms of the hands, and bottoms of the feet are both persistent and unique to an individual. 


The Forensic Biology/DNA Section comprises Forensic Biology and DNA.  Forensic Biology (FB) searches for the presence of body fluids and trace evidence. FB currently provides presumptive tests for blood, semen, and saliva, and a confirmatory test for semen. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) collected from a crime scene can either link a person to the evidence or eliminate them as the source of DNA. DNA can show familial relationships. The DNA database (known as CODIS) is used to compare DNA from crime scenes to DNA of convicted offenders or with DNA left by the perpetrators at other crime scenes.


Special Thanks
Our staff at the DuPage County FSC would like to thank the National Institute of Justice for funding the creation of this website, which will facilitate communication and collaboration with our submitting agencies. 


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